Here you can find a rough guide of conversions between various currencies. A bit of a reminder for us too!
You’ll also find a couple of hints of easy ways to roughly covert between the currencies in the right hand column.
N.B. These are rough conversions correct as of 14/04/2014.
10 GBP =
Value | Shorthand and type | Conversion hint |
2,165 | LKR (Sri Lankan rupees) | Divide by 100 (move decimal place left two), then half it. E.g. 200LKR = 2.00 = 1.00 GBP |
996 | INR (Indian rupees) | Divide by 100 (move decimal place left two) |
1,597 | NPR (Nepalese rupees) | A harder one to do a hint for as its a bit more awkward, but the easiest was to multiply sums of 100Rs (33p) and add a few naughts when required! |
1,722 | JPY (Japanese yen) | Again, quite hard to directly convert, but the easiest way we found of doing it was to convert the amount to USD by dividing by 100. E.g. ¥100 = $1 |
103 | CNY (Chinese yuan) | Divide by 10 (take off a 0), and it’s a bit less than that in GBP £ |
132 | HKD (Hong Kong Dollar) | Divide by 10 (take off a 0), and then minus 25% |
131 | MOP (Macau Pataca) | Divide by 10 (take off a 0), and then minus 25%, everywhere takes HKD, it’s considered the same, so don’t bother getting it exchanged! Apart from casinos which only accept HKD. |
502 | TWD (New Taiwan dollar) | |
349,579 | VND (Vietnamese dong) | Work in thirds. £1 = ~33,000 VND. So to work out, say 250,000 VND, knock off three 0′s and count the amount of times 30 goes into 250 and it’s in £GBP. E.g. 30 goes into 250 just over 8 times, so it’s about £8.40. Rough, but it does the job, and you’ll have a pleasant surprise when you check your bank balance ![]() |
13,353 | LAK (Lao kip) | |
540 | THB (Thai baht) | |
6,640 | KHR (Cambodian riel) | |
54 | MYR (Malaysian ringgit) | |
187,540 | IDR (Indonesian rupiah) | |
18 | AUD (Australian dollar) |